Tuesday, March 7, 2017

July Fun

We got back to California at the beginning of July, just in time for the 4th of July celebrations.

 Our town held a fun kids event with tons of blow up toys. Will loved it.

He also got an awesome Batman tattoo!

While we were in Utah, I realized how ridiculous the twins' hair was getting.

They had some crazy mullets going on

and some weird over-the-ear hair. But for some reason it wasn't that long in front.

 So at 17 months, Henry and Charlie finally got their first hair cuts.

Charlie was pretty upset about the whole thing, but looked so great after!

Henry didn't get quite so upset, but didn't like it much either.

 And of course I had to give Will a haircut while I was at it. His hair is always crazy.

This was after the first attempt. It always takes me a couple tries on Will and he usually still looks goofy after. The way his hair is curly in some places and not everywhere makes it really hard to cut.

 So I decided to just take it short. It always grows back!

 Suddenly, it was the fourth of July and we wanted to see some fireworks. We went to a couple stores and didn't find any and then realized that they are illegal here! So we just got some little poppers and things for Will to do.

 Will got a kick out of it. And then we late him stay up late to catch all the illegal fireworks that our neighbors were setting off.

This month we also started having some twin troubles. They decided they always need to have what the other one has.

Usually Charlie would get something first, and then Henry would try to join in. That didn't make Charlie very happy. Poor kids. 

And then Charlie would retaliate by biting Henry. It was a rough phase.

For some reason we decided this would be the perfect time to combine their cribs into the megacrib.

They loved it immediately!

We also went to an activity put on by our stake. We had a barbecue, and the kids did a little parade.

 It was hot, but Will still wanted to do it. It was just a couple laps around the parking lot.

 They also had cotton candy, and for some reason Henry was terrified of it!

Charlie loved it, and thought it was hilarious to tease Henry with it. 

Henry got a little bit on his finger and it totally freaked him out!

 They were also doing some face painting, and Will wanted to do it and then was very sad after. No idea why.

Sad pirate boy with his ice cream lol

And here are a couple random ones!