Monday, December 9, 2013

One Year Old!

I can't believe my little guy is so old! He has grown and changed so much in the last year. It's hard to believe he's even the same boy.

At his 12-month check he weighed in at 19 lbs 13 oz and 29.5 inches long. Will is quite the chatterbox and has a pretty good vocabulary.  He waves and says bye-bye, shakes his head and says no-no, and he says "what's that", banana, mama, dada, Adam, more, bum and he tries to say "brown bear" whenever we read the brown bear book.

Will loves swinging at the park, but it is way too cold for that now!

He still has gorgeous blue eyes and his hair is getting so long and curly! He has the cutest little ringlets in back. People must think he's pretty because he gets called a girl all the time.

He doesn't love taking baths as much as he used to, but he still enjoys taking them as long as we keep it short. And he still likes to play in the water and splash around. 

Will does well with naps and bedtime, but sometimes he gets a little worked up when he's tired. I still love that grumpy face though!

He is obsessed with bananas and clementines and devours them as fast as he can. He also loves burritos. He tries to steal mine every time I eat one!

We had a nice fall, but Will wasn't very into the festivities.  He doesn't like pumpkins much.

 Or getting dressed up in funny costumes.

He's still a huge goofball and constantly makes silly faces. He thinks he is so funny!

This boy is an eater. He will eat almost anything, especially if mom and dad are eating it. 

Will is getting pretty close to walking, but he's kind of a chicken. He will walk about 6 or 7 steps between me and Adam, but only one or two if he lets go of something on his own. He just decides to stop walking and sits down to crawl.

What a cutie pie!

Will is our cute boy and we sure love him! He has definitely changed our lives for the better.

Coming up soon... a birthday post!

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