Alright, so he's not actually shrinking. But my little chunker is getting so skinny! We took him to his 9-month check on Thursday, and he is only 19 lbs 1 oz (36%) and 29 inches (69%). He is still a little bit roll-y, but I can really see a difference in his face.
Will has started to develop quite the personality, and we are always cracking up at his faces.
He likes getting into everything, so sometimes I have to trap him so he can't get into trouble.
He is such a happy little guy and always smiling at me!
What a character!
He is a pretty good sleeper; he goes to bed at 7:30 and sleeps until 6 or 7. He also takes two 1-2 hour naps during the day.
He started getting teeth around 7 months, and now he has five of them. And he loves brushing his teeth! (AKA chewing on his toothbrush)
William also loves playing with anything that's not a toy. We give him toys and he chooses hangers instead. Babies....
Will also recently learned how to pull himself up, which caused a little bit of a problem with getting him to sleep, even after I lowered his bed all the way. Luckily he's learned to sit down by himself now, so he can get to sleep.
My little man is quite the adventurous eater, and will take anything I give him. I don't think he's refused anything yet! In this picture he has an onion in one hand and a tomato in the other. What a goofball!
When we were getting ready to leave Texas, Will spilt his first blood. Luckily he just split his nose and only cried for a minute. I think I was more upset than he was!
He also learned how to drink from a straw, which really comes in handy when he wants to steal my Diet Coke.
He is so pretty!
When we got home Mark was really excited for Will to meet Hannah. I wouldn't say he loves her or anything, but he tolerates her as long as she's quiet.
One thing he won't tolerate, however, is grass. He hates it!
Will has been having a rough time getting his front teeth in, and one of his favorite helps is carrots!
And just yesterday, Will decided to crawl on his hands and knees! He's been scooting around on his belly for a couple months now, so we are excited he is actually crawling. Our little man is growing up so fast and we love him so much!
Enjoy the videos! There are more on my YouTube channel
First time standing up
Saying Mama
Looking at himself on my phone
Clapping his hands
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