Monday, March 6, 2017

Michael's Wedding

In June, my family came out to California for a short visit. We went to the Jelly Belly Factory one afternoon. It's one of Will's favorite places.

We spent the next day touring around San Francisco. First we took everyone to see the bridge.

Since it was summer and busy we had to park at the bottom and hike up. It was a bit of a walk but we all made it!

We decided to get some lunch in Chinatown next. While we were looking at the menu, the chef came out and asked if we had been there before. When we said no, he took our menus away and said he would take care of us! Pretty soon they started bringing random food out. It was mostly really good, but there were a couple of odd things we never would have ordered.

After lunch we walked past Lombard Street and headed to Ghiradelli Square.

We had to get some ice cream. The twins were big fans. Henry especially.

We spent the rest of the afternoon checking out the wharf and pier 39, then got some dinner in Walnut Creek and headed home.

Sunday was Adam's birthday and Father's Day, so we had a nice dinner and birthday cake before Adam had to catch a plane for another business trip.

Monday morning we got up early and all drove back to Utah for Michael and Diana's wedding.

We made our traditional visits to the zoo....

And the aquarium.

Will was finally brave enough to reach into the touch pool.

The Alexanders planned a couple of family events before the wedding. On Saturday morning they invited everyone to go up in their hot air balloon.

We decided last minute (since the kids woke up early) to get up and head over.

The twins had fun just running around the field


and the rest of us all took turns going up in the balloon.

Monday night they rented a bowling alley so we all went over to play for a couple hours.

It was Will's first time bowling and he had a blast!

Tuesday was the wedding, so Adam and I ditched the kids and went to the temple ceremony.

It was beautiful, of course, and fun to see the new Provo temple.

That night was the reception in a family member's backyard.


The twins were as handsome as ever.


And Will was looking pretty good too.

All the kids with the bride and groom

and all the kids with Grandma and Papa.


Cutting the cake

These two were so cute holding hands and dancing together!

We're so glad that Michael finally found his person! Love you guys!

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