Saturday, September 12, 2015

Six Months!

Shortly after coming home from Utah, the babies turned six months old! Happy half-year Charlie and Henry!

They eat solid foods now and love it. In fact, eating in front of them and not sharing makes them very upset! Henry especially. 

Sometimes they eat other things too. 

They like to swim... sometimes. But they also need their two naps a day. 

These boys are always full of funny faces. 

We took them in to the doctor for their check-up, and they are doing great!

 They both hit the 95% for height at 28". Henry weighed in at 17 lbs 11 oz and Charlie at 17 lbs 7 oz (50-75%). Look at all those cute rolls!

They have also been teething like crazy. They both have their two bottom teeth and their top two lateral incisors. And now it looks like they might have some front teeth coming in too. At least big brother is here to help!

 They've been trying pretty hard to crawl, but aren't quite there yet. Henry scoots around pretty well and Charlie mostly rolls. They are great at planking though.

In other news, we're working on potty training. Kind of. Will is still a little bit resistant, but I usually make him sit on the potty three or four times a day. 

He very rarely tells me he needs to go, but I've only changed like 2 stinky diapers in the last 3 weeks so I'm gonna call that a win.

At least he's cute. 

Home Again Home Again

 The the day after the wedding was our flight home.

We said goodbye to everyone, and then we were all set to go!

We're so glad we were able to visit our family and that my parents were nice enough to let us stay and take us around like tourists. 

We were definitely sad to leave, but it's also nice to be home!

Wedding Day

 We were originally going to go to Utah at the end of June, but then we found out that Adam's dad Mark was going to get married in August! So, of course, we bumped our trip back a little bit so we could make it.

We spent the morning before the wedding enjoying Mark's pool.

Will just wanted to jump in!

Charlie fell asleep in his carseat, but Henry got out and swam for a little bit.

He liked it for a little bit, but then he got tired.

So he took a little nap on me, all covered up with the towel so he didn't get burned. 

And then we went home and got fancied up for the wedding!

They may not have loved them, but the boys kept their bowties on the whole time!

 I didn't get any pictures of the lovely couple, but it was a beautiful ceremony.

Congrats Grandpa Markie and Grandma Coco!

Ainge Family Pictures

Before we came to Utah, we decided that we should get some pictures done while we were there, since we've had a hard time finding photographers in Texas.

And then, I realized that we don't have any pictures with the Ainges, so we should get them on board too.

So we got it all set up, and headed up Hobblecreek Canyon to get some pictures taken.

I thought they turned out pretty great!

And we got some funny outtakes.

Apparently it was bright outside.