Even though we couldn't go anywhere, we were all pretty excited for Christmas to come. We put up our tree right after Thanksgiving and Will loved helping decorate it.
He had a really hard time waiting for me and Adam to tie the strings on the all the ornaments so they could be hung up, and starting just putting them wherever they would stay. Once we got all the ornaments ready to hang, Will got to put them on the tree again!
Will was obsessed with the tree for about a week. Every time we turned on the lights he would say, "Wow, beautiful!"
We also started watching Christmas movies to get Will ready, and he learned pretty quickly who Santa Claus is. Even though he was really excited about Santa coming to our house, he wasn't so excited about going to see him.
Even though Will requested mutiple times to go see Santa, he chickened out both times we tried to take him. He absolutely refused to sit on his lap or even look at him!
We had a little bit of a long month waiting for Christmas. We found this hat that my mom made for Will last year while we were going through some baby stuff, and Will wore it every time he saw it. He would wear it around the house and say, "ho ho ho, merry christmas" and would ask me "is it today? presents?" He was very anxious for the big day.
He also became slightly obsessed with our stockings and had the hardest time staying off the fireplace. He just wanted to be close to them!

Finally, Christmas came. Will, of course, was ecstatic and had a blast opening all of his presents. And all of our presents.
He got some really fun presents and had a bit of a hard time focusing on unwrapping presents when there were so many new toys to play with! Eventually he got through them all though.
After opening presents we made some red velvet crepes for breakfast and devoured them. We had a hard time getting our crepes to turn out this time, but learned that it really doesn't matter when you have delicious food to put on them!
Will thought they were kind of questionable at first, but once we put some whipped cream and chocolate sauce on them he didn't care anymore.

We spent the rest of the day making candy, skyping with family, and just relaxing. Our friends the Wilcoxes invited us over for dinner at their house, and we had a really nice time eating and chatting while the kids played.
Between Christmas and New Year's, Adam had a lot of time off work for us to have a nice, relaxing holiday. It was hard being away from home and we missed being around family, but we had a good time hanging out here.
For anyone wondering about the babies, everything is looking good! We had another ultrasound a week ago (30 weeks) and both boys were head down and weighing in around 3 1/2 pounds each. Will was only 6 lbs 9 oz when he was born, so I officially have more baby inside of me now than I ever did with Will!
Here is a little photo comparison of me at 29 weeks with Will (left) and the twins (right).

The picture on the right is me a couple days before I had Will (you can tell that he had dropped already but the twins are still high).
And here are some random pics and videos of Will from this month!
Will was convinced that the guy behind him was a pirate! Lol! |
And if anyone feels the need to watch more videos of Will you can check them out here!
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