Thursday, June 6, 2013

6 Months!

Our little William is six months old now and doing great. He is starting to fit into his 6-9 month clothes a little better, and is still as chunky as ever. His personality is developing more and more and we have a lot of fun watching it come out. He is really easy to make laugh, and he loves being thrown around and flipped upside-down. Will has also started getting afraid of things. He cries whenever we turn on the blow-dryer, trash disposal, or blender. He's also a little scared of getting his shirt pulled over his head, and flinches and closes his eyes in preparation. William is also starting to get a little possessive, and lets out a high-pitched squeal when we take things away from him. William is a pretty proficient roller, and is starting to sit up really well. He's still working on crawling though.

Now that he can move around more, he usually ends up on his side and I love his squishy sleeping face!

Will has officially found his feet and loves grabbing them.

We started bathing Will in the real bath when we got to Texas, and he is loving the extra space and room to splash around.

This has become the new sleeping position. He sleeps just like his mom!

I put some toys in his crib to help him when he falls asleep and wakes up, which means that sometimes I find him asleep like this. Goofball.

Sometimes we wonder if William is part puppy, since he loves chewing on everything!

He's getting a lot closer to moving around, but he mostly just gets frustrated and yells.

 Even though he can be a handful sometimes when we're at home, we never have to worry about taking him out. He is always an angel when we go out to eat, explore, or shop. The only place he doesn't like to go is church. Mostly because it interferes with his nap though.

He still doesn't have very much hair, but what he does have is getting longer and curly.

Will has started to really enjoy water, and even though the beach is still a little much for him, he loves going swimming. He really likes splashing around, even if it means splashing himself in the face.

One of Will's favorite things is eating. You can tell he takes after his parents.

Here are a couple more videos, and there are more on youtube!

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