He is still full of smiles and funny faces.
He is great at making eye contact, but when he's in his bouncer he would rather look at the monkeys that hang down.
He's usually well-tempered, but he can get cranky at night.
He loves taking baths and we like giving them.
He's getting better at tummy time, though he still doesn't like it very much.
Sometimes he likes to sleep on his stomach and stick his bum in the air.
William loves sleeping in our bed, so we take naps together.
He is starting to enjoy his play gym more and bats at the toys on it. I think Dad likes it too.
Cute naked bum!
He's really funny when he sleeps, making lots of noise, laughing, and smiling.
William in his blessing outfit.
William has also recently learned to blow bubbles, and has grown some beautiful eyelashes. We love our little boy!
What a cute boy! Thanks for sharing the pictures.