Repacking, Remodeling, and Sleeping on Strange Beds
As everyone knows by now, Adam and I recently moved to Massachusetts for an internship. When my dad (also known as landlord) found out we were moving, he decided that would be the perfect opportunity to get some re-modeling done on our apartment. As soon as we finished with finals, Adam started tearing down walls and I began packing. Adam ended up tearing out a closet, turning a doorway into a wall, and replacing some ceilings, among other things. I, on the other hand, had to figure out how to fit everything we needed into our car. Normal packing is bad enough, but going through everything and deciding what was important enough to bring with us and small enough to fit into the car was really
hard. After I finally got everything separated and packed, we realized that there was no way we could fit it all into the car. Solution? Space Bags! So we sucked everything we could into bags, got rid of a couple more things, and somehow got everything in. It took us until two days before we were leaving to get everything finished, but we got everything done in time. Goodbye three-plex! Before we knew it we were sayi
ng goodbye and heading on our way. After sleeping on air mattresses, and trundles and living in construction zone and my parents' den, we were excited to get to our new apartment. For the time though, all we got was strange hotel rooms. The first day we drove from Mapleton to North Platte, NE. It was definitely a boring drive, but on the way there we went through Vail, CO and it was gorgeous. The ski runs were right next to the freeway, so we could see everyone skiing down the mountains. And all the condos there are huge and amazing. North Platte, on the other hand, not so amazing. There were a bunch of
hotels there, but for some reason there were only like five restaurants, and between the time change and getting checked into the hotel, it was eight o' clock by the time we left the hotel for dinner, and all the restaurants were closed, so we had to go through a drive-thru. The one redeeming quality about Nebraska and it's flatness, however, is the great sunrise. The next day we drove to Romeoville, IL, but all we saw was flat fields and windmills. We did stop at Winter Quarters on the way, but it wasn't quite as exciting as we'd hoped. I'm pretty sure we made that poor sister missionary's day though. We were obviously the only ones there, and I don't think they were expecting anybody to stop by. Though it was smaller than expected, it was still nice to have a reminder of our pioneer heritage and what those saints were willing to go through for their the church with only faith and their own testimonies of the gospel. The drive up to that point was pretty nice, but after Romeoville came the fun stuff. Next stop, Chicago!
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