Deena and Zoe were able to come out for a couple days and celebrate with us, which Will loved (even though he always gets sad when people leave and he's stuck with just me again lol).
Adam had Friday off of work, so we went up to the zoo. Will really loves animals so we try to get up there as often as we can.
We were able to feed the giraffes this trip, which was really cool. We'll probably do it again sometime because I'm pretty sure everyone loved it. I got a video of Will feeding the giraffes and I know you can't see his face, but you're not allowed to turn your back on the giraffes so it's the best I could do.
We spent Saturday baking Will's cake and doing the normal birthday festivities. Will obviously enjoyed helping bake the cake.
For dinner we went to a local restaurant called Asiel's and got Will a donut burger, which was actually delicious. He devoured it.
Then we opened presents, and it was the first time Will was really into it, so that was really fun. He got a big kick out of tearing through all the wrapping paper, and was even more excited about his new toys.
I let Will look on pinterest with me and decide what kind of cake he wanted, and he chose a cookie monster cake. It was my first time decorating a cake, but I thought it turned out pretty good! Though I did learn a few things for next time.
He understood how to blow his candles out this year, but couldn't actually blow hard enough to do it, so I had to help out a little bit.
The cake-eating went a little better than last year. Even though he was still pretty messy, he actually ate some cake this time, so that was nice.

We also convinced Deena to take a couple pictures of us so we would have something to put on our Christmas cards, and I think they turned out pretty cute!